250000 LB/HR; 900 PSI; Deltak HRSG designed for use with an LM6000 gas turbine generator unused surplus new in 2001. Includes Duct Burners. This heat recovery boiler produces both Low and High pressure super-heated steam. As originally delivered the Deltak HRSG included: Duct Burner – Natural Gas Fired; High and Low Pressure Boiler SuperHeater and Economizer; Complete Feedwater System; Valves; Support Structural Steel; Fuel Skid; Platforms Walk ways and Stack.
46500 Lbs/Hr. Deltak HRSG 21 Tons/Hr steam flow 13.79 Bar (200 PSI) Operating Pressure 17.24 Bar (250 PSI) Design Pressure HRSG YOM 1996 in very good condition. HRSG includes the following equipment Diverter (bypass) Valve Economizer Boiler (Evaporator) Bypass Stack All transition Ducts Stack. Also can include a DA Tank and Feedwater Pumps. All Available Documentation Included.
Two (2) Thermax, Series 5G, single effect hot water driven vapor absorption chillers engineered to each produce 1015 tons of chilled water at 42 °F of using 17,374 MBH of recovered heat from a waste heat hot water boiler. Thermax Absorption Chillers, New 2012. The chillers will be capable of operating in-series as well as in parallel mode.
WHRU – Rentech Hot Water Boiler rated for 690,000 lbs. water an hour (1,377 GPM). A combustion exhaust stream is used to heat approximately 690,000 pounds of water per hour from 170 °F to 225 °F at an ambient condition of 55 °F. Designed for use with a Solar Turbines, Taurus 70 Gas Turbine Generator.